Sturgeon farming and hatchery
The presented object is a complex from the hatchery and nursery through breeding to the caviar factory.
In this kind of solution, it seems that it’s smart solution that the sturgeon processing plant ( or generally the fish processing plant) object has to be located next to the caviar manufacture. The males from sturgeon hatchery will be separated after getting the sexual maturity. That solution (adding the fish processing plant object near the caviar facility) would ensure the liquidity of the enterprise until the female sturgeon obtain their sexual maturity and full caviar production capacity.
Innovative way to obtain caviar
The preferred method of obtaining eggs will be the method of survival, however, to meet all the customers’ requirements it will be possible to pick eggs by traditional method by whipping and cutting the coatings. The facility consists of concrete pools with the shape of an elongated hexagon and 12 pools made of polyester-glass laminate in the preparation part for off-season spawning.
Breeding after female sturgeon reaches sexual maturity (for a bester from the age of 4) will be a stimulation program for 10% of the herd to obtain off-season spawning.
That kind of system will provide practically continuous operation of the caviar factory.
Specification of the surgeon hatchery and farming object
Construction surface ……………………………………………………………………….2112 m2.
Water surface ……………………………………………………………………..565 m2
Installed power provider ………………………………………………………………………………..42kW
Average power demand ……………………………………………………………25 kW
Recirculating aquaculture system scheme

Exploitation details and technical informations about sturgeon farming using recirculating aquaculture system (RAS)
The density of breeding in the pools …………………………………………………70 kg/m2
The maximum feed conversion rate …………………………………….1,4 kg/kg m.c.
Annual feed ……………………………………………………………………………….87 t
Annual unit weight gain………………………………………………………….1,4 – 2,3 kg/ single.
Daily water demand ……………………………………………………………… 65 m3 ( 0.75 l/s)
Annual water demand …………………………………………………………………………..…23 725 m3
Annual power demand …………………………………….220 000 kWh
Reaching the full production capacity of 2300 kg of caviar ………………………9 years.
The value of the annual production for b2b distribution ………………………………………1,5 mln €
Project of caviar and sturgeon production plant – Costs
Construction cost………950 000 €
Equipment cost ………………… 870 000 €
All costs………………….….1 820 000 €